Despite the general disbelief in vampiric entities, occasional sightings of vampires are reported.
There have been occasional sightings of mountain lion and ringtail.
There are occasional sightings of both, but then they vanish.
The occasional sighting of flying saucers keeps the population afraid from going outside.
There are occasional sightings of black tip sharks during dives.
I never felt that he was dead, and over the years there've been occasional sightings of him in Asia by former colleagues.
Traffic on this usually heavily traveled road was sparse today, with the occasional sighting of a military helicopter.
The skunk remained more common through the rest of the state, but only occasional sightings were reported for 100 years on Long Island.
The legend has many different variations and there have even been occasional sightings of the restless woman's spirit.
A one-suit squeeze was long thought to be a mythical beast, but there have been occasional sightings in the past 40 years.