It was deathly silent in the huge gloomy warehouse, except for the sound of an occasional scurrying rat.
All animals other than man are extinct, so meat comes from other humans (and the occasional rat).
The base of the left field wall is several feet below the grade level of Lansdowne Street, accounting for the occasional rat that might spook the scoreboard operators.
She ran from light to darkness, from darkness to light, and saw and heard nothing but the occasional rat.
"That's why I try to stick to cats, with the occasional exotic rat or raccoon."
The street was mostly businesses and over the several hours that followed they saw only occasional rats and a dog.
The starving men were reduced to supplementing their rations with the occasional rat or stray cat.
But then, he might well r1iink differently, had he been eating oatmeal, weeds, and the occasional rat.
The real West Wing, particularly the press room, is worn and scruffy and home to the occasional rat (the feral kind).
Unless you counted the occasional lame rat or slow-witted crow.