This was a shining metal tube, now crackling and emitting an occasional puff of smoke.
The only sign he was awake was an occasional puff of smoke from his lips.
Slipping outside for the occasional puff is just naughty enough to provide a little thrill, without bringing down the entire edifice of adult responsibility.
She volunteered nothing except an occasional small puff of surprise or interest; and to his questions, she replied uniformly, "I don't know yet."
The cloud layer had lifted, leaving a blue sky smudged with occasional puffs of cumulus.
Now the occasional puff of white smoke is the only indication of the company's scaled-back operation.
There were thin, wispy clouds and an occasional big, fat cumulus puff, but it was basically crystal clear.
The lodged stalks rustled against one another in the occasional puff of air.
Just as you lot think the world's nothing but poetry, and perhaps the occasional puff of a dangerous cigarette.
Many people feel so good, they just don't think they need any medication at all, beyond the occasional puff from a bronchodilator inhaler.