Even the occasional presence of other creatures could not be enough to keep them all alive.
Stone age tools have been found on Inchmoan, suggesting it has had an occasional human presence for a number of years.
Not with the Admiral's occasional presence, glowering silently from his wheelchair like a reminder of the last war.
No matter that the occasional presence of a physician during those final weeks could have brought real comfort even if no cure.
Jackson is a no-frills place where nothing but the lodge indicates even the occasional presence of a visitor.
And even the occasional presence of a musical superstar makes it much easier to raise money.
More important, however, is the occasional presence of an initial relatively symptom free period, which can mislead the clinician.
Other than the occasional presence of an interpreter to relay instructions, they blended right in.
The cemetery grounds were still cared for, indicating Dad's occasional presence.
Sadoveanu is an occasional presence in the literary works of his fellow generation members.