There was little fur him to do in the preparations, save for occasional messages.
Over the next month or so they exchanged occasional friendly e-mail messages and phone calls.
There are flowers, little love notes, and occasional messages on her voice mail at work.
Other than via the occasional formal message, most official liaison consisted of formal events attended by both sides.
There is, however, the occasional message delivered during these regular-season wars of attrition.
Other than the occasional patriotic message, most advertisers probably will not try to tie their advertising messages to the conflict.
In his short phone calls and occasional e-mail messages, he told Stephanie very little of what he was up to.
When an occasional message was clear and personal and undemanding, Lurvy treasured it.
In 2006, Gormé became a blogger, posting occasional messages on her official website.
And they continued to see each other at parties and to exchange occasional e-mail messages, usually about movies.