They continued playing frequently, focusing mostly on California cities, with occasional jaunts to Utah or the Pacific Northwest.
Sure, I've done the Mars caverns and made the occasional jaunt to the standard recreation spots around my home colony on Centauri.
These people had far outlived their allotted lifespans penned up inside their artificial environment but for occasional jaunts outside.
Except for an occasional outdoor jaunt at Camp David, President Bush has done his running on an indoor treadmill.
I'd rather send them out on their occasional piratical jaunts and risk losing a ship every so often than have them sit around and grumble and grow discontented.
Jamie patrolled North Seattle, and we spent much of the night cruising around the U-District, with occasional jaunts down 50th or 65th to get to the scene of some fracas or another.
Eating healthy is important, but the occasional jaunt to your local Fatty Burger franchise or a frothy pint of stout won't ruin your training.
WITH the exception of an occasional jaunt in a faded and beloved T-shirt, many runners have given up wearing cotton, which becomes clammy with sweat.
This thought has taken the occasional jaunt through my mind,' Ed agreed.
In his seventies but vigorous and full of fun, Sparky liked to take an occasional jaunt to Reno, to pump the slot machines and try a few hands of blackjack.