It sat large and dusty, its engine giving an occasional metallic groan as it cooled.
The only sound was an occasional groan from Pete as he finished yet another dull report.
Julius does not speak, except for an occasional groan if he is trying to get Ludwik's attention.
The only sounds were the wind whistling through the many holes, the occasional groan from floor or wall, and the quiet sound of their own footsteps.
The Spaniard stood peering down through the darkness, while an occasional groan from below showed that the sergeant was still living.
From the hospital section an occasional groan of pain broke the silence of the heavy night.
They may startle their loved ones with an occasional groan or sob.
He listened to the occasional metallic groan as the car they were on shifted against its neighbors.
After he left, the house fell silent except for the occasional groan of old wood.
But his only complaint was an occasional groan and muttered curse.