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I couldn't see anything but the occasional gleam of a wave breaking out beyond the cove.
All I saw was darkness, lit by an occasional distant gleam from a security guard's hand lamp.
That's why you may notice the occasional gleam of vengeance in my eyes during British Masters.
They looked like the small silvery workers with the occasional pale golden gleam of a warrior.
While the Pack kept to the shadows, he could sense their minds on him and caught the occasional gleam of their eyes.
The dark land fled past beneath them, giving back only an occasional gleam of moonlight from some quiet lake.
It had even seemed there was within them the occasional gleam of sympathy.
Only an occasional yellow gleam of their eyes showed that they were crouched to spring just inside the doorway.
He was a man of strong feelings, and although they rarely appeared the occasional gleam left Stephen in no doubt.
By this light only an occasional gleam showed the disconcerting yellow stare of their eyes.