He kept coming back for more, though, and she continued to let him, stifling the occasional giggle.
The worst part was that all he could hear was an occasional giggle from Lady Matilda.
Eventually she had to sit down on the foot of the bed, her laughter finally subsiding into an occasional giggle.
The silence settled down, broken by an occasional low and nervous giggle on the part of Jim.
Only an occasional giggle from a child hugging a stone griffin interrupts the mingled breathing of the silent swimmers.
Their children are playing with neighborhood children, recounting their tales of horror this time in whispers and even occasional giggles.
By the time they'd reached the top of the stair, it was turning into yowling again, with the occasional manic giggle.
From then on, except for the occasional giggle when I made an outrageous mistake in speaking their language, the Raramuri were courteous and friendly to me.
The foot massage was my favorite, 45 minutes of sheer bliss and occasional giggles.
Whispers diminished to an occasional giggle as people bumped awkwardly.