At Alcott, 160 students from kindergarten to fifth grade are studying Spanish, compared with 242 taking Chinese, although not without occasional frustration.
Despite the occasional frustrations, the kitchen was a fine place.
GameSpot also shared feelings of occasional frustration due to the game's difficulty, adding that there were also a few moments where the game's momentum slowed.
As for Gretzky's occasional frustration over his level of play, Richter said it might be a natural thing that happens to veterans.
True, they provided him with companionship, entertainment, and occasional frustration.
Beyond that, though, he remains enigmatic, and it is hard not to share Roosevelt's occasional frustration at his reserve.
As the conversation wound down, she found herself confessing to her occasional frustration at work, the words sometimes spilling out in a way she didn't quite intend.
An occasional frustration with "social amnesia" goes with a broad and bountiful territory.
But public participation and occasional frustration on the part of the rulers are integral to our democracy.
Extreme face blindness can be socially crippling, while milder forms may only result in occasional frustration or embarrassment.