A few dinners and an occasional evening out will do her the world of good.
"I sometimes envy you for having an occasional evening in which you can sit down and read a book."
Their occasional evenings at the card table with the Youngs were one of John's few outside pleasures.
In addition to your light summer wear, be sure to bring a sweater for the occasional chilly evenings.
I want you with me - all the time, not just an occasional evening.
I conduct services here on weekends, give classes Sundays, run an occasional social evening.
Activities will range from occasional social evenings to organised theatre visits and so on.
Then there are occasional evenings out with a male friend, one of whom has become special in her eyes.
Enjoyment seemed to be within the family, with the exception of the occasional evenings at concerts or the theater.
Not that they were able to spend much of their lives together: an occasional evening, perhaps an afternoon when her duties allowed.