He toured Europe with the punk band the Clash, painting banners for their stage show and taking an occasional cameo on the microphone.
After Year One, Flass made only occasional cameos in the Batman series.
The moviola relies on sight gags, as well as occasional cameos from local newscasters, politicians, and business owners.
Malik B. left the group in 1999 due to drug problems but continued to record, making occasional cameos on future albums.
McConville has drawn a number of guest episodes for Megatokyo, and characters from both series make occasional cameos in each other's comics.
Baby Animal made occasional cameos in Disney's House of Mouse.
Characters from Pett's previous strip make occasional cameos in "Lucky Cow."
Bart travels through various real-world locations collecting items, with occasional cameos from the other Simpsons family members.
His form and rhythm make occasional cameos, but they always desert Rice in the final minutes.
Back then, the programs featured waitresses and busboys as well as occasional cameos from resort guests.