During the day; at dinner - in fact, whenever occasion offered the opportunity - Harry had looked for signs of some secret conference between them.
Often, parents use such occasions to offer gifts early; the good dishes, for instance, might go to the child who has taken over the holiday dinners.
The occasion offered guests a chance to reminisce, to boast and to bask.
What better occasion could offer than that of descending the river with the family which was as his own?
When she was younger she had told Sam all about him whenever the occasion offered, but she couldn't do that now.
The reason is that I never failed to wear them whenever occasion offered.
The occasion offered an opportunity to hear rarely performed works by a true original whom history has overlooked.
The occasion would offer the workboat crews a chance to gather, compete and have fun.
On the threshold stood a man with a face so ugly that no one could have blamed him for changing it whenever occasion offered.
There would be a beating-there was a beating whenever an occasion offered.