Etheridge introduced a new song specially written for the occasion called "Four Days".
The occasion, called Camp Day, featured the dedication of some newly opened cabins.
Harry knew that nothing further would be said until occasion or circumstances called for it.
That flashlight had a colored lens that could deliver red or green flashes as occasion called.
"But you could be conservative as a steady rule, until occasion called for stronger pronouncement."
She must feel this occasion called for her to be hard and strong.
Still, an even more striking aspect of his music, which the works performed on this occasion called attention to, was his radical approach to structure.
Bulgarians usually make a certain type of bread for this occasion called pogacha, which is flat, fancy, and decorated.
The response was more violent man the occasion called for.
Barney pressed the slightly flabby fingers and replied with a gravity that he felt the occasion called for.