For this, he used the obvious model, that of the Ming government, and recruited Ming officials to his cause.
However, the most obvious models for the deleterious effects of aneuploidy should instead depend on the total number of genes.
Dutch still-life paintings of the 17th century, with their allegorical references to growth and decay, provide the obvious models for these works.
Another of her characters, Debra Moorhouse, has a very obvious real-life model.
The obvious model for those hoping to reverse the fattening of America is the campaign against smoking.
The obvious model is Austria, though getting there may yet take time.
But none of them are insurmountable; the electronic payment systems used by the credit card companies and banks are the obvious model.
The obvious model for such legislation would be the systems of state-mandated automobile liability insurance.
In a period of rapid change the family was an obvious model of traditional, ordered society with its pattern of authority and dependence.
It's always odd, in sports and life, when things that work don't spread and become obvious models.