It was helped by the obvious inadequacy, indeed fatuity, of the governments' plans to protect their populations by civil defence.
So why didn't you comment on the obvious educational inadequacies of one former Labour Chanceller of the Exchequer?
Some Inadequacies Looking back, it appears that there were obvious inadequacies - there hasn't been proper coordination.
This was followed by a long pause, for which Nicholas Grueman had been famous in the classroom when he wanted a student's obvious inadequacy to hang in the air.
In technical terms, voting took place correctly, despite a few incidents - blown up out of all proportion in my view - and despite the obvious inadequacies of a campaign which we ourselves were unable to observe.
He really shouldn't feel bitter over his obvious inadequacies in the context of his interviewing technique.
Despite the obvious inadequacy of Morn's explanations, the ED director didn't press her.
And it stems from the obvious inadequacy of current voluntary efforts by bar groups to meet the huge call for help.
The obvious inadequacy of this government's attempts to deal with poverty in our society is a disgrace.
The head and key staff (including a senior teacher, then acting deputy head, and a teacher-librarian already in post) were already in discussion about the obvious inadequacies of the existing stock and premises.