The truce of God, so often and so ineffectually proclaimed by the clergy of the eleventh century, was an obvious imitation of this ancient custom.
Sshejatveeh nodded stiffly-an obvious imitation of a human gesture that held little meaning for the Tolun.
A big ol' ghost," he said, stretching up, hands clawed, and widening his eyes in obvious imitation of Josh's account.
In spite of its obvious imitation of continental movements it was to be a profoundly British variant, with social and political roots in domestic problems.
After catching a 26-yard pass in the second quarter, Shockey flapped his arms in an obvious imitation of Owens's antics.
He motioned and a soldier dressed in an obvious imitation of Astio came into the room with Hilde.
He has a special room, an obvious imitation of his concept of womb.
An obvious imitation of classic Chinese art, a Ming dynasty erotic illustration, but the naked figures were crudely modern, Westernised and very graphic.
Some of the older tunes featuring unauthorised samples had them replaced by obvious imitations.
Burin Dator laughed, an obvious imitation of Earth emotions, but one that had become natural to him.