"Go to sleep, Reg," said Deanna with obvious fondness.
In even more episodes than that, McCoy demonstrates an obvious fondness for women.
He nodded, smiled with obvious fondness.
She sketches her relatives with obvious fondness, but they are clearly caricatures who serve the author's humorous whims.
He beamed at his guests and then watched with obvious fondness as Zebra wheeled the prisoner away.
Brummond shook his head with obvious fondness.
He had an obvious fondness for order and quiet that contrasted with his adventurous life.
She didn't know what to do with Guiliani's obvious fondness for Garrett Weisz.
Despite the film's obvious fondness for its subject and for the era, "Steal This Movie!
Despite your obvious fondness for the place, you're none the less nothing more than a temporary caretaker.