The research did illuminate that discriminatory policies and practices carried out within local authority departments etc., caused an obvious disparity in the way that Black women were dealt with.
Frankly, I am truly amazed at the obvious disparity between the expressed view of the general public and what you claim to be your philosophy.
There is an obvious disparity in the approach of obstetricians to this problem, ranging from absolute withholding of analgesics to open advocacy of spinal anesthesia.
He put his hands together, making obvious the disparity in their sizes and configurations.
The juxtaposition of the lofty style with unexpected nouns such as 'dullness' provides an ironic contrast and makes the satiric point by the obvious disparity.
He was shocked by the obvious disparity between the coastal cities, then enjoying the first fruits of economic reform, and the provinces.
There is no obvious racial disparity in these numbers.
Around this time there became an obvious disparity in the feeding habits of those living in rural areas and those in urban areas.
For, despite the obvious disparities, reactions to the one Jew talking and the many knights vamping are remarkably similar.
There was no obvious disparity of talent among the Zukerman Players during their assured, if restrained, performance, which took place with surprisingly little eye contact.