An obvious corollary to the pathologist's role is the critical interaction between the pathologist, oncologist, and primary physician.
The not so obvious, implicit corollary is that, therefore, the ideas of intellectuals are bad.
The obvious corollary of this is that less qualified ambulance workers, who are largely engaged in driving non-urgent cases, would not see their earnings rise by so much.
And there's an obvious corollary: Without a united administration, coherent action is impossible.
Iman can be stated as acknowledging God with full sincerity of heart whilst accepting all His attributes and their obvious corollaries.
That is the logical and obvious corollary to the Church's insistence that secular courts have no right to try ecclesiastical persons.
Some of the first Americans to urge a tougher anti-Soviet stance were also quick to see closer relations with Britain as an obvious corollary.
You see the obvious corollary, I assume.
The obvious corollary from this theorem is that the "best" among regular estimators are those with the second component identically equal to zero.
He didn't need to add the obvious corollary: and like no other wife.