Some, like climate change and biodiversity loss, were familiar and obvious contenders.
Other obvious contenders are riders in Ullrich's mold, if not quite his class.
The obvious contender is Mr Havel, the Forum leader and the most popular man in the country.
Already known in Welsh poetry and in Nennius's history, he was an obvious contender.
There are some obvious contenders.
His value fund is overweight in technology and health care, sectors that, he said, are "beaten down more than obvious contenders like petrochemicals."
In the West, you've got five obvious contenders, plus a dangerous, physical team like Houston who we may face in the first round.
That and a sixth-place finish in last year's Tour make him an obvious contender.
However, the uncertainty of the minor and near-nuclear powers remains - India and Pakistan are two obvious contenders.
After Ms. Foster, though, there are no obvious contenders.