Obtain special technology in an open market.
France as a major political rival and industrial producer was particularly keen to obtain British technology from the early eighteenth century.
These transfers of information came at a time, investigators said, when China was aggressively trying to obtain sensitive military technology.
The reality is that foreign companies do not need to buy entire companies to obtain American technology.
But if Apple is already testing a functional streaming service, there seems to be little need to buy an entire company to obtain similar technology.
There is nothing new to the assertion that Beijing is directing an effort to obtain advanced technology.
Aventis will also pay up to $200 million over five years to obtain technology for drug development.
They are proponents of the joint venture with another company to obtain better technology or instant access to markets.
Lekem: the agency responsible for obtaining and securing secret technology.
"We do not want to increase our commitments in the face of sanctions that are currently imposed on us for obtaining nuclear technology," he said.