The White House today said it had obtained notes from one of the national security officials at the June 3, 1996, meeting.
A commercial bank that maintains a reserve account with the Federal Reserve can obtain notes from the Federal Reserve Bank in its district whenever it wishes.
This is part of the normal method of obtaining higher notes in wind instruments, where it is called overblowing.
Through these assistants, Moreau obtained notes on incubation, feeding and collected a mass of data on bird nesting.
According to court papers, both of the girls obtained notes from health care providers, but not doctors, stating that they had been seen at a clinic.
A string at a certain tension and length will only produce one note, so to obtain multiple notes, string instruments employ one of two methods.
I can write you now my draft, M'sieur - or perhaps it would be more convenient if I obtain notes in dinars during the day?
Individual preparers, however, may obtain rights over case annotations, indices, and various notes concerning sections and reference tables they have written.
Prosecutors Halt Quest Whitewater prosecutors ended an effort to obtain notes and a manuscript by President Clinton's confidant Webster L. Hubbell.
The O.I.C. later obtained notes from other Department of State officials that also had not been produced to Iran/contra investigators.