Herds of elephants go inside Kitum Cave at night to obtain minerals and salts.
Without Malvinas, you have problems obtaining minerals.
Some butterflies also visit dung, rotting fruit or carcasses to obtain minerals and nutrients.
Without the transfer of these rights, Tufts could come in at any time and demand the removal of buildings to obtain minerals.
In the game, the player controls an assault craft, battling against alien creatures in order to obtain special minerals.
The fort was destroyed in 1690 by the Malays who were discontent with the methods used by the Dutch in obtaining minerals.
It can also be seen licking tree bark of selected tree species to obtain water, nutrients, salts, and minerals.
Referred to as the Visitors, they reach out in friendship, ostensibly seeking the help of humans to obtain chemicals and minerals needed to aid their ailing world.
He said the legislation would also have hurt the ability of the Government to obtain strategic minerals needed for the military and industry.
Reports indicate that corporations have facilitated these abuses by obtaining minerals from areas controlled by these groups.