The trenches allow each tugger on the team to brace their feet to obtain leverage unlike traditional flat surface tug-of-war competition.
The ability to obtain leverage allows teams to coordinate strategic moves called "hits" and "hangs" that make for a very violent and gruelling sport.
However, when longshoremen are unionized, the longshoremen's union can obtain great leverage over shippers.
The unions would use the early settlements made in annual negotiations as a precedent to obtain leverage in their own bargaining and would attempt to improve upon them still further.
If it will not turn easily, reinstall the handle on the stem to obtain greater leverage.
She should have killed Khouri then and there, but in Khouri she had seen another means of obtaining leverage over Remontoire.
"As an ethical matter, this office will never overcharge a case for the purpose of obtaining leverage on a plea," he said in his statement.
It doesn't leave the other firm much room to obtain leverage.
It was he who planned the transformation of Shoichi's grandson into a vampire for Mina to obtain leverage.
They usually post a smaller amount of collateral upfront, thus obtaining leverage.