As universities emerged in the 12th century, libraries formed throughout Europe, and obtained donations or gifts from monasteries and private collectors.
As the Farmington group's fund raising shows, local greenway groups have also changed the way public parks are being financed, with greater emphasis on obtaining gifts of land or easements from landowners.
John II obtains valuable gifts as well as a profession of orthodox faith from the Byzantine emperor Justinian.
He intends to force his daughter to honor the promise to marry the son (Chuen) of the literary minister Wu so that he can obtain gifts of money.
Records show that he also accompanied the governor on some of the free trips and helped obtain the hot tub and other gifts for Mr. Rowland.
There must be people all around us who are behaving much like Spooner: listening to other people's memories, flattering their prejudices, manipulating their minds with a view to obtaining gifts, legacies or other rewards.
The impatient customer can be mollified, and the procrastinator can obtain gifts far closer to Christmas.
Many of these presents will be a result of a campaign by a recent city employee, Kathleen Johansen of New Canaan, to obtain cash and gifts.
In other words, he obtained donations and gifts for personal requests or prayers.
That concerns nonprofit leaders because charities are fighting harder than ever to obtain unrestricted gifts to support their operating expenses.