During the hospital visit, Michael fails to obtain forgiveness from Meredith.
I see why you were confused, but Ada isn't trying to obtain forgiveness for herself.
However, he recognizes all the errors he has made, accepts his daughters' lifestyle and romantic decisions and obtains forgiveness from them.
In Christ alone I shall obtain mercy and forgiveness for my sins.
Consequently, offenders who immediately apologize, take responsibility and show remorse have the greatest chance of obtaining forgiveness from their partner.
He must first obtain forgiveness and cleansing for his own sin.
"It's easier to obtain forgiveness than permission."
Christians in the early communities of the Church obtained forgiveness for those sins by practising prayer, good deeds, fasting and alms-giving.
Participation in the sacraments, offered to them through the church, is how Catholics obtain forgiveness of sins and formally ask for the Holy Spirit.
He told me he believed in God, and that even the worst of sinners could obtain forgiveness of Him.