Lester was unable to obtain financing for the project.
To date, Hoyer has helped obtain more than $26 million in federal funding for the project.
By 2001, planning permission had been obtained for the entire project, along with a supporting business plan and funding.
Other studies are needed, particularly focusing on safety questions so as to obtain state and local licenses for the project.
Judging from the surviving walls, the services of a builder trained in the Cistercian style were obtained for the project.
A key hurdle remains: obtaining bank financing for the project, whose estimated cost is $56 million.
The association helped obtain a $3.7 million grant from the National Science Foundation for the project.
Construction began after he obtained a concession for the project in 1888.
The first step was to obtain a high priority rating for the project.
Ms. Clarke, who obtained $400,000 in city capital money for the project, denied any wrongdoing.