Green picked up the weapon, making it impossible to obtain fingerprints from it.
Unaware of the bombing, several of the workers rode around on the bicycle, which made it harder for investigators to obtain fingerprints.
They tried to obtain fingerprints, but he wears gloves.
When they arrived, one state official said, the crib had been pushed to a corner and the floor cleaned, making it hard to obtain fingerprints.
Allowed the police to forcefully obtain fingerprints and other identifying features from an individual to ascertain their identity.
But you did not mention that the shops can be the only means of obtaining fingerprints in a reasonable amount of time.
However, it also had the effect of obtaining fingerprints from the vendor.
This division is responsible for obtaining fingerprints and background checks for many different purposes.
The new procedures include these changes: *At least two investigators must sign all crime-scene reports and verify procedures used to obtain fingerprints.
The following information will assist agencies in obtaining fingerprints that meet FBI standards.