The only difficulty was to obtain a dispensation on the score of age.
At 21 years, she was not really old enough to hold this office, so she had to obtain a papal dispensation.
However, he had obtained a dispensation for their marriage only after the wedding.
John is said to have obtained a papal dispensation for the divorce, which took place in 1350, just four years after Amie's inheritance.
After the Dissolution of the Monasteries, he obtained a dispensation to hold a living.
Ernest therefore personally went to Rome in 1480, to obtain a new dispensation for his son.
He appears to have obtained from the Pope a dispensation for his "defect of birth", being an illegitimate son, allowing him to remain in office.
John promised to obtain a papal dispensation, but never did so.
They would have also made plans for obtaining a dispensation to confer the degrees on willing and deserving candidates.
For this he obtained a dispensation of the pope; at age 21, he was too young to become a bishop.