Ellen Lockhart, an obstetrics nurse at the HIP center in Paramus said that she was getting used to being cursed at.
"Before the deliberations started, we were getting along wonderfully," said Niki Deutchman, a 47-year-old obstetrics nurse who served as forewoman.
Last Sunday, after weeks of searching, the police found the bludgeoned body of Elaine Donahue, an obstetrics nurse in Reading and a mother of four.
The couple met in Colorado, where Ellis - divorced with two children - worked as an obstetrics nurse.
"Nursing is much more than physical care," Renee Watkins, the obstetrics nurse, said.
But it was only when another nun, Sister Clarangela Ghillardi, 64, an obstetrics nurse, died on May 6 that the group realized the others might be in danger.
Her mother is an obstetrics nurse at Caritas Norwood Hospital in Norwood, Mass.
"I try to discourage it," said Annie Shen, an obstetrics nurse, with a smile, "but it's such an honor."
She trained me at Sun Valley Pres. I was an obstetrics neonatal nurse for a year before I switched to Pediatrics.
In March, she is to become an obstetrics nurse at Anne Arundel Medical Center in Annapolis, Md.