Indeed, trustworthy observers have stated that even a hurricane can rage over a tranquil atmosphere with a sharply defined surface of demarcation between calm and storm.
Many observers of the conflict have stated that propaganda has been used by both the Syrian government and opposition factions since the beginning of the conflict.
A western observer later stated that the rebels had signed the peace agreement "while preparing for war", and Nouri himself supported this, saying "nobody believed" in the accord.
Most observers stated that USA 17's rigid wing sail had given it a decisive advantage.
Some observers state that hundreds of books, journals, essays, and short stories were published and distributed.
Local political observers have stated that for the National Conversation to be successful, it will be important to reach out to the silent majority.
The observers have stated that the elections were not rigged but that media coverage was heavily favoured towards United Russia.
In the 19th century, many observers stated that Venus had a period of rotation of roughly 24 hours.
Some observers state that it had a profoundly positive effect on the campaign for the separatist cause.
Some observers have stated this outcome was legally correct but morally troubling.