The safo observer will not have observed anything but the assembled whips.
Furthermore, the break must occur not at the event horizon, but at a point where the second observer can observe it.
No perjury was committed, although an observer from Mars might have observed that not all possible questions had been asked.
Two observers traveling very fast in opposite directions might observe, for instance a star exploding, at different times.
An observer located within that narrow zone could observe the planet's disk partly blocked by the slowly moving moon.
A third observer would observe the second and so on.
Here, in the system sociology, Luhmann finds himself again, an observer observing society.
When the century's greatest observer observes one of the century's most unusual men, a historian should take notice, but Taylor does not.
As the charge is stationary in this frame, there is no electric current, so the observer will not observe any magnetic field.
In this sense, the observer is observing themselves.