Many observers complained that the Internet nature of the poll would have meant a skewed demographic of younger fans who would have seen Maradona play, but not Pelé.
Official results showed it passed with 92.5 percent of the vote, but observers complained of ballot-box stuffing, voter harassment and destroyed ballots.
Older British observers complained, "The trouble with you Yanks is that you are overpaid, oversexed, and over here."
Many observers, foreign and domestic, including businessmen, complain of the short-horizon stock-price obsessions of American executives.
Nonetheless human rights groups and observers have complained that torture is frequently used on political prisoners in Iran.
Finally, some observers have complained that Howl!
"Scholars are so Greedy after news . . . that they neglect all for it," one concerned observer complained.
An observer of Paris in 1928 complained that "nobody thinks of hiding these things, or of keeping them out of conversation."
Calls passed over lines strung along streets on poles with crossbars, which observers complained were unsightly.
Some observers complained the sentences were too harsh but they fell on the deaf ears of a frightened and furious public.