In fact, as many as 20 have been observed following a single female.
People don't choose what religion to observe following careful cost benefit analysis either.
Multiple male Tennessee dace have been observed following a single female through pool and run areas.
Increased incidence has been observed following prolonged exposure to microwaves.
However, individuals have been observed close to the Californian shore following their main food source, squid, in winter and spring.
Mixed groups of adult and immature birds, up to a dozen or more in number, have been observed following the breeding season.
However, apoptosis was not observed following culture with other anti-CD47 antibodies.
No cellular damage was observed following exposure to incandescent light of equivalent intensity.
Even in remitters, a relapse is often observed following drug discontinuation.
A sharp drop in breast cancer rates was observed following these changes, and held steady in subsequent years.