He would have observed his 100th birthday on Nov. 8.
Huntington, who became a serious collector after observing his 55th birthday, was determined to form a superior collection.
And the company observed its 20th birthday on May 5 the same way it always has, with a nationwide handout of free cones.
He had observed his 65th birthday this week and was touring the country with his wife, Jody.
His films are cause for celebration, and so, too, is the fact that yesterday the Japanese master observed his 81st birthday.
So that is the way you observe your old master's birthday?
The university has been observing King's birthday since 1984.
Mr. Finch had observed his 70th birthday a day earlier.
I didn't realize he was so young; he had observed his thirty-ninth birthday only in January.
He observed his 80th birthday this year, and the celebrations, on a worldwide basis, involve being photographed.