Naturally, he would oblige; he was not permitted to observe maneuvers.
In 1887, he traveled to France to observe military maneuvers, and was named a Commander of the Légion d'honneur.
Well liked in the US he regularly was invited to observe American and Canadian naval maneuvers and established a thorough social network.
Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria traveled aboard the Viribus Unitis in late June 1914 en route to Bosnia to observe military maneuvers.
While observing Chinese military maneuvers in Antarctica, the spy satellite picks up a highly unusual energy signal emanating from two miles beneath Antarctica's ice sheet.
In 1921, he was sent to Japan to observe military maneuvers, where he developed a special interest in aircraft.
Now Theseus, talking with Mochlos, observing certain maneuvers in the distant landscape, began to wonder whether the enemy was less intent on driving them away, than on cutting them off from their ships and destroying them.
One has observed certain precoital maneuvers among humans that might prove pleasurable.
Experts outside the Government said the Atlantis astronauts were supposed to spend the rest of the flight conducting tests of optical systems for observing military maneuvers on the ground from orbit.
For the next ten months Wood traveled to Europe, where he observed maneuvers of the French Army, and was promoted to captain on June 30, 1883, while in France.