Since they have no permanent observable features the choices of prime meridians are made according to mathematical rules.
Thus, distinctive, observable morphological features, e.g., illuvial clay accumulation in B horizons, are produced by certain combinations of pedogenic processes operative over varying periods of time.
The jets are believed to be the visible manifestations of the beams, and often the term jet is used to refer both to the observable feature and to the underlying flow.
Many other members of genus Cyptotrama are similar in appearance and differ from C. asprata by only one or two readily observable features.
They both have observable features and properties.
Can we relate this property to any observable features of the Universe?
Subregions describe the areas within regions that are easily distinguished in both the geological and ecological observable features.
This causal relationship is unidirectional; an observable feature of an entity does not define the underlying essence (Dar-Nimrod & Heine, 2011) .
Refers to a carcinoma with observable features and characteristics indicative of squamous differentiation (intercellular bridges, keratinization, squamous pearls).
In general, there are two observable features of the ancient Philippine scripts.