I shall humbly follow the great avenger of the common people," returned Vance, rising and making an obsequious bow.
Then Rojer made a most obsequious bow.
He made his solemn, obsequious bow, and went out.
--Give you good den, my masters, said he with an obsequious bow.
Behind it were smaller houses in which lived his queen and women, good-looking females, who advanced to meet him with obsequious bows.
Bulgar gave me a little obsequious bow and started to back away.
With that same air of graciousness he acknowledged the artist's obsequious bow.
He welcomed the jongejuffrouw with obsequious bows.
Coins changed hands, thanks were given and obsequious bows received in exchange; then the boothman dodged behind his curtain and out of sight.
"As you commanded, dread king," the storekeeper replied with an obsequious bow.