They found Tyrune's boarding house on an obscure street.
A half hour later, a strange phenomenon occurred at the intersection of two obscure streets on the lower East Side.
Mocker and Cliff scudded between two buildings to reach an obscure street.
The pair took a taxi trip to the obscure street where the mansion stood.
When Stanley parked on an obscure street, a vague figure drifted from the car like a puff of fading smoke.
The flashlight's glimmer moved ahead - through the alleyway, to an obscure street beyond.
She lives on some obscure street in West Amsterdam, and none of us know where it is.
They ate at a small restaurant on an obscure street and after that went grocery shopping.
After groping about in some rather obscure streets that Paul knew imperfectly, they found one.
The car stopped in an obscure street behind a parked truck.