This was to an obscure section of jungle Melody hadn't seen before.
In an obscure section of the budget bill passed last month, Congress moved to reduce the risk that companies would find their business was violating a patent.
Finding such shows at all will strengthen the viewer's reading skills, as those skills apply to small-print, obscure sections of the TV listings.
In the cathedral town of Wells, an obscure section of the local council rules was unearthed to demand an official referendum.
Anticipating further conflicts, President Nixon's congressional allies inserted fast track into a relatively obscure section of an uncontroversial 1974 trade bill.
But an obscure section in the law allows private insurers to continue to charge former transition pool customers high-risk pool rates through 1994.
A subtle bug in an obscure section of some popular software.
Written to end piracy of consumer goods, the agreement has an obscure section permitting patented products to be copied in emergencies.
(You now know, dear reader, how to view the obscure and cryptic sections of this text!)
With three men at his command, the leader was making short, quick raids; then lying low, probably in some obscure section of the countryside.