Apart from a few obscure recordings, the album represents the first tracks recorded under Brown's leadership.
Each CD has bonus tracks which include mono versions of single releases, fan club exclusives, and obscure early recordings.
Meanwhile obscure recordings can be freely accessed from new Web sites like artofthestates.org and newmusicjukebox.org.
Estella Tincknell describes how the particular combination of well-known and obscure recordings helps establish the film as a "self-consciously 'cool' text.
It specializes in obscure and rare recordings from the 1950s to the 1970s.
One possible development is that hit songs could cost more than obscure recordings.
But the dust is off a couple of obscure recordings now well worth owning.
The album eventually became known as one of Rush's most obscure and overlooked recordings.
The tendency to prefer obscure, unproduced recordings seems like the latest version of the old folkie quest for the grail of authenticity.
There are also plenty of old and obscure recordings.