Again, I wondered if I were the butt of some obscure joke.
There was an obscure joke about Schubert that only a musician would understand, so he took it out.
When they were house hunting he had taken her to see houses so remarkably unsuitable that she suspected he was making an obscure joke.
Turl Street is the subject of an obscure ecclesiastical joke, based on its location.
I don't want to come to grips with the idea that the Universe is some vast, obscure joke.
It is a function of the above record (and this book as a whole) to make that obscure joke totally clear to every reader.
Scouts forever seemed to be enjoying some obscure joke, or secretly laughing at something.
Then they laughed at some obscure private joke.
To my disgust, she simply nodded as if highly appreciative of some very obscure joke.
Seward stared at Washburne to see if this might be some kind of obscure Western joke.