Readings from obscure books that went beyond what you were taught in school.
And rehabilitating yourself from scandal doesn't happen by writing obscure books about the philosophy of revolution.
His money went on obscure books as well as women and drink.
It is designed to answer questions that have never been answered except in obscure medical books.
So why doesn't this sci-fi western hybrid - loosely based on an obscure comic book - feel the least bit fun?
However, the names of many organisms are published in such obscure books and journals that very little of this information is available to most people.
Where did she dig up these obscure books?
No request for obscure books deemed too difficult to try and find, in fact they relish the challenge!
As a sign of the series' popularity, this potentially obscure book has been reprinted no fewer than six times.
People are really happy to find obscure books, and would be willing to pay far more for them.