At the time it was the first major federal obscenity prosecution in ten years.
In the recent obscenity prosecutions, it has become clear that "community standards" are hard to pin down.
There hasn't been an obscenity prosecution in Manhattan since.
Hasn't been a successful obscenity prosecution here in years.
The case represented the first obscenity prosecution against a website based on user generated content, and was the subject of a Rolling Stone article.
In 1957 the Supreme Court finally considered a case arising from an obscenity prosecution, Roth v. United States.
"This will be a big year for obscenity prosecutions," said William F. Weld, the head of the department's criminal division.
For years, Federal prosecutors had all but ignored obscenity prosecutions, with the exception of cases involving child pornography.
They caused an obscenity prosecution, which failed; so finally the press rooms of the paper were blown up with dynamite.
During the Clinton Administration, there were few obscenity prosecutions.