The premise: each player is an obscenely wealthy individual without a care in the world.
Gift tax liability - where a check has to accompany the Form 709, "is incurred only by people who are obscenely wealthy," he said.
Did he ever think, Beane was asked, that his poor Oakland Athletics would be in a playoff race with the obscenely wealthy Yankees?
If you have a drop-dead gorgeous, obscenely wealthy other half, make sure you bring them along.
Trevor Barnett, here, is the figurehead for all this: a man whose family practically started the tobacco industry and who's become obscenely wealthy from the suffering of others.
The rich didn't just get richer; they got obscenely wealthy.
It's extremely poor and obscenely wealthy.
You haven't heard about the obscenely wealthy Russians?
Both women were obscenely wealthy, and both apparently died accidentally within a year of the marriage.
In certain obscenely wealthy circles, this is how it really is.