Mr. Shakur, she said, left an obscene message on an answering machine threatening her.
Obscenity case was lodged on him on 27th April 2013 for sending obscene messages to one of his relatives.
There, next to the door, he saw a swastika and an obscene message spray-painted in red on a wall of the synagogue.
As the first woman bishop and an African-American, she received death threats and obscene messages.
In addition, she has received thousands of obscene messages.
In the women's studies office, posters have been defaced and the tape on the office's telephone answering machine was recorded over with an obscene message.
For providers of obscene messages, Congress set the maximum penalty at two years in jail and fines of up to $500,000.
Generally vanity plates are not allowed to have profane, offensive or obscene messages on them, and of course they must also be unique.
He received death threats and obscene messages, and his property was vandalized.
Klag said when the general's obscene message was done.