It warmed me to hear that fretful, obnoxious little voice.
A very loud and obnoxious voice, Abbot Braumin understood.
Paul answered, and I listened to his obnoxious voice with relief.
It occurred to Sulu then that one of his first actions as Excelsior's captain ought to be to program a less obnoxious voice into the turbolift systems.
During the 1980-1981 season, Gottfried's persona in SNL sketches was very different from his later characterization: he rarely (if ever) spoke in his trademark screeching, obnoxious voice and never squinted.
"Suggestion noted and ignored," said Dirk in a pleasantly obnoxious no-nonsense voice.
A moment later, realizing that the obnoxious voice of her one-night paramour was still yammering in her ear, Wendy said, "Ted, get yourself a cup of coffee and go smell it or something.
He spoke loudly, and his fragile, obnoxious voice rattled violently around the courtroom as he asked a lengthy series of statu-torily required questions.
She has the most obnoxious voice I've ever heard.