No obligatory tours.
The candidates are heading there for what has become an obligatory tour.
He'd spent one obligatory tour in Washington early on, but hadn't been back for the extended tutoring in intricate politics that a flag officer generally receives.
The obligatory guided tour is about $7 a person.
There are no obligatory tours, no assigned hotels, no "closed" towns.
The public schools and City College were his ticket to the mainstream, though at City he took the obligatory tour through radical politics.
As one of the best in the class, she was often sent on obligatory 'tours' to sing for the Red Army soldiers and sailors.
The concept of "Dyedovshchina" is usually pertains to soldiers in their first two-year obligatory tour in the armed forces, particularly in the Army.
The obligatory tour of the ship would now take place.
And so this collection, like the others, was about a woman "daring to explore and travel" - I quote from the show notes - the once obligatory grand tour.