In fact, this question cannot really be answered through objective means.
Due to the subjective nature of this complaint, which depends on patient self-reporting of sleep, it is not currently measurable by objective means.
Sports - organized, competitive, entertaining, and skillful activity requiring commitment, strategy, and fair play, in which a winner can be defined by objective means.
This is a more objective means of determining points or soaks compared to the methods listed above.
However, the 2006 law does not provide objective means to distinguish between users or traffickers.
Many different quality measures have been defined for graph drawings, in an attempt to find objective means of evaluating their aesthetics and usability.
The creators of the time sought to convey inner, subjective experience through external, objective means.
Without an objective means of calculating science benefit, a project team cannot effectively evaluate the cost/benefit of multiple engineering approaches.
She was interested in clinical competence and the devising of more objective means for examining a physician's diagnostic course and conduct with patients.
Disagree about whether perceived sound quality can be measured through objective means.